5 Senses: Blindfold Games

These blindfold games will help your students explore the sense of sight while learning about the five senses. These activities help children understand their sense of sight is important, and what it’s like without seeing. Check out more of my Five Senses activities here.

Blindfold Games to Teach the 5 Senses

How to Make Blindfolds

An easy way to make blindfolds is with stretchy knit fabric (like T-shirt material). You can purchase it at a fabric store or even cut old T-shirts. Cut the knit into strips and tie it around a child’s head.

How to make a T-shirt blindfold

Knot the fabric and leave it knotted. Since it’s a stretchy fabric, children can pull the blindfold on their head and can easily pull it off when they want.

How to make a T-shirt blindfold

You could also use sleep masks. Whatever blindfold you use, make sure that children are able to pull it off without help whenever they choose.

Open Locks Blindfolded

Place a lock and key on a tray. First, let children explore the lock without a blindfold. If you have this at a center, you might want to let children explore the lock for awhile first. Then, add the blindfold so children can attempt to pick up the lock, find the key, and open the lock, without their sense of sight. Using the tray helps keep it contained so they can find it.

Open lock blindfolded - Sense of Sight Game

Drawing and Writing Blindfolded

Give children a piece of paper or dry erase board. Have them either write their name blindfolded or draw a smiley face while blindfolded. This activity could be done at a small group table.

Walking Blindfolded with a Guide

Have a child put on a blindfold and walk around the classroom while holding on to a guide’s arm. This activity can be done with the teacher guiding the children around the room, or you could have children partner up as long as you supervise them.

Build a Tower Blindfolded

Give children some wooden cubes or small blocks. Have them sit at the table and try to build a tower with all of the blocks without it falling over while wearing a blindfold. You may want to only give them 7-10 blocks.

Build a Tower: Blindfold Game

Put One in Each Cup

Place about 6 cups on the table and 6 colored pompom balls. As they wear a blindfold, have children attempt to place each pompom into each cup, so that each cup has only one.

Put One in Each Cup: Blindfold Game

These activities can be included in any theme unit on the five senses, or add the activities for fun through the year.

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