These Three Little Pigs Sequencing cards will help your students practice retelling a story and putting a story in order. Find more Fairy Tale activities here.
These sequencing cards are a free sample activity from my Three Little Pigs packet in my shop.
Full Color Set:
Laminate and cut out these cards to use on a flannel board, magnet board, or pocket chart.
Blackline Set:
Since these sequencing cards are in black and white, you can either print and laminate for reuse, or you can photocopy a set for each child in your class. Cut out the cards on the dotted lines.
After reading the story of the Three Little Pigs to the children, show them the sequencing cards and talk about each picture. Ask children to tell what they see on each card and recall what happened in the story. Then, have children decide which picture came first in the story, and continue with second, third, and last.
You could also have children glue these onto a strip of paper to take home. You’ll need a sheet of 12×18 inch construction paper. Fold it in half (hot dog fold) and cut along the fold so that you have two long strips of construction paper. Give each child one strip. To help children with spacing, you can fold the strip over twice to make four sections, or use a Sharpie to make dots where children can glue each sequencing card.
I have also included a one-page black and white cut and paste sequencing sheet.
Download the Sequencing Cards
Download: Three Little Pigs Sequencing Cards
Note:Â This printable is FREE. Just click to download!
This activity and many more activities are included in my Three Little Pigs packet in my shop.
Graphics in the sequencing cards printable by ScrappinDoodles.