Things to include in student portfolios for fine motor skills. See all Portfolio Ideas here!
Children cut one-inch strips of paper and glue them on to make a mosaic.
Cutting a Circle
Children practice cutting a circle.
Cutting Lines
Children cut along the lines and stop at the stickers.
Magazine Cutting
Children cut out pictures from magazines and glue on paper.
Children lace yarn through the holes on a lacing card. I made these by tracing and cutting an outline of a butterfly on old file folders.
Toothpick Punch
Draw a simple shape (like the pumpkin in the photo) with a black marker, and have children punch holes along the lines with a toothpick. I took a photo of the back of the paper so you could see the holes the child punched (the black outline is drawn on the front side).
Paper Punchers
Children use paper punchers in the art center to punch shaped holes in their paper. Saving this page shows that the child has the dexterity to punch a hole with the paper punchers.
Observational Assessments/ Anecdotal Records
Fitting small items together
Observe children as they fit small items together, such as Legos, Unifix cubes.
Observe children as they string pony beads on pipe cleaners.