Pre-K Art Portfolios

Things to include in student portfolios for art. See all Portfolio Ideas here!

First Day Drawing

On the first day of school, children draw a picture during arrival time. At the bottom of the page, I have typed “I drew this on the first day of school!”

Art Portfolio for Pre-K
First day of school drawing

Family Portrait

Children draw pictures of their family members.

Family portrait
Family portrait

Watercolor Painting

This is a sample of a watercolor painting. I like to include artwork with a variety of media.

Watercolor painting
Watercolor painting

Colored Pencil

This is a sample of a colored pencil drawing, which is another type of media for the collection.

Colored pencil
Colored pencil

Tree Paintings

In the Fall, we paint a tree using tempera paint.

Tree painting
Tree painting

Flower Paintings

In the Spring, we mix and use various shades of pink, green and yellow to paint flowers.

Flower painting
Flower painting


I save child-initiated crayon drawings through the year to show progress. These three pictures in the photo were done by the same child at the beginning, middle and end of the year.

Drawing through the year
Drawing through the year


I include photographs of sculpture that the children have made. This one is a snake made from Crayola Model Magic.

3D Sculpture
3D Sculpture


Children made a collage with beans and seeds.

Bean collage
Bean collage

Easel Paintings

Art samples made at the paint easels or with collage materials at the art center table are saved. I save least four per year.

Tempera painting
Tempera painting

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