These printable alphabet assessment awards will help you determine which children know letters and also inform parents of their progress.
![Alphabet Assessment Awards printables](
No matter how many letters they do know, children will feel a sense of accomplishment when they take home an award or happy note to show their parents. (These are not intended to be worksheets: you use them as you work with the child, or observe them through play. Then send these home for communication with parents.)
Each award is a half sheet of paper and has 8-9 letters. It says “I can name these letters.” By only having 8-9 letters, it won’t be quite so overwhelming to children as it sometimes can be when naming all 26 uppercase and lowercase at once.
![Alphabet Assessment Awards uppercase letters](
When a child correctly names a letter, mark it on the award so parents can see which ones they know. You could either circle the letters with a marker or highlight over the letters with a highlighter.
![Alphabet Assessment Awards lowercase letters](
You will probably want to record which letters the children can name. A few ways to record them:
- Photocopy the awards for your files.
- Take a photo of the awards and save them in a folder on your computer.
- Record the letters they know on a letter assessment form <– at the link.
To download the awards, click the button below:
Note: If any letters are not formed the way you feel they should be, they can be changed with a marker and white-out. Draw lines on the uppercase I, make a top on the uppercase J, etc. as it suits you.
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