Community Helper Word Cards

This set of printable Community Helper Word Cards has 30 community helpers words with pictures: firefighter, mail carrier,  police officer, doctor, paramedic, nurse, vet, dentist, pharmacist, construction worker, forest ranger, teacher, bus driver, crossing guard, custodian, coach, judge, librarian, life guard, military, meteorologist, reporter, mechanic, trash collector, baker, chef, farmer, plumber, grocer, hair stylist.

Community Helper Word Cards

There are more sets like this in the Picture-Word Cards collection. This set goes with my Community Theme.

How to use the word cards:

There are a few ways you can use these picture-word cards and display them.

You can place the cards in a pocket chart. Kids can take the words out of the pocket chart to take to the table if they want to copy the word on their paper. I keep a pocket chart on the wall of my Writing Center and change out the word cards for each theme.

You can make picture dictionaries by punching a hole in the top left corner (punch hole dot provided). Hook them together with a metal binder ring.

You can use these cards to practice clapping or stomping the syllables in the words.

You might also want to put them in the pocket chart during the theme, then later hook them on a picture dictionary ring to add to a collection of thematic words through the year.

The blank set of cards has the picture without the word. These can be used for other languages or other writing styles, such as D’nealian.

Download the Community Helper Word Cards:

Community Helper Word Cards

Blank Cards

Note: This is a free printable, just click to download.

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