Counting Songs for Kids

These Counting Songs for kids will help preschool, Pre-K, and Kindergarten age children learn numbers and counting skills while having fun.

Counting Songs for Kids

Visit our Numbers and Counting pages for more activities.

This is a curated list of songs from You Tube.

Counting to 5


Counting 1 to 5, by Pinkfong

Five Little Fish, by Jack Hartmann

Interactive finger play — move while you sing and learn numbers.

Counting to 7


Seven Steps, by Super Simple Songs

This song has a catchy tune and the repetition of numbers will help kids with numeral identification and saying numbers in order.

Counting to 10


Count Your Fingers, Count Your Toes, by The Kiboomers

Move as you count.

One, Two, Buckle My Shoe, by The Learning Station

A traditional song.

Counting to 10, by The Learning Station

An easy song to learn and lots of repetition for kids to learn the numbers.

Counting Together, by The Learning Station

This Old Man, by The Learning Station

A traditional song.

10 Little Tractors, by Super Simple Songs

An traditional tune and easy to learn.

10 Little Sailboats, by Super Simple Songs

How Many Fingers?, by Super Simple Songs

One Potato, Two Potatoes, by Super Simple Songs

Counting with Bugs, by Maple Leaf Learning

Learn to count with bugs, has repetition to help kids learn counting.

Chicken Count, by Jack Hartmann

Interactive, movement song — would go great with a Farm Theme.

I Can Count to 10, by Jack Hartmann

Count to 10 with Our Friends, by Jack Hartmann

Kids will have fun counting to 10 in different voices: opera, monster, cowboy, and more.

Counting 1-10, by The Singing Walrus

Kids love the spunky songs by The Singing Walrus!

Funky Counting Song, by The Singing Walrus

Counting to 12


Twelve Potato Soup, by The Kiboomers

Counting to 20


Counting to 20, by The Singing Walrus

Count with Me from 1-20, by The Singing Walrus

Kids can get moving to this beat while practicing counting to 20.

Let’s Count from 10-20, by The Singing Walrus

This song has kids practicing 10-20.

20 Bubbles Go Pop, by The Kiboomers

Count to 20, by Super Simple Songs

20 Jellybeans, by Pinkfong

Counting Bananas, by Super Simple Songs

Count to 20 and Workout, by Jack Hartmann

A great brain break song — kids dance and move while counting to 20.

Count to 20, by Harry Kindergarten

Kids practice counting to 20, then do movement activities between the counting parts.

Counting to 100


Count to 100 Dance, by The Kiboomers

Count and move

Welcome to the Zoo: Count to 100, by Jack Hartmann

Lots of movement with the zoo animals and counting to 100.

Let’s Get Fit: Count to 100, by Jack Hartmann

Great brain break song, lots of exercise/ movement while saying the numbers.

Count from 1 to 100 with DJ Count, by Jack Hartmann

Count to 100, by The Singing Walrus

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