This is a cross craft we make at Easter that has a “stained glass” effect.
To prepare it, I drew an outline of a cross with a black permanent marker. Use the cross pattern printable to trace on construction paper. Children placed colored tissue paper on the cross outline, painted over each piece with liquid starch, and cut it out after it was dry.
These look nice glued onto a piece of 12×18″ purple construction paper. You can write a verse below it, or a quote from the child. A good verse for this activity is: God said, “I will be with you.” (Exodus 3:12).
I like to have the children tell me something about Jesus’ life or the Easter story, and I write what they told me below the cross.
Open Ended Art Cross
I placed extra crosses in the Art Center and allowed children to come up with their own ideas for how to decorate them. Here’s a cross one of my students made at the art center using foam shapes.