Grid Games for Pre-K Math

Grid games teach one to one correspondence, counting, and numeral identification.

Math Grid Games for Pre-K

To play a grid game, children roll a game die, identify the numeral (or amount of dots) on the die, and count out that amount of manipulatives. Each manipulative is placed over one picture in the grid. Children play until the whole grid is full.

Each grid game has it’s own set of manipulatives to match the theme of the game. All of the manipulatives for these grid games should be easy to find. Click the picture of each grid game to print it out. Each game includes a grid game with 10 spaces (for beginners) and a grid game with 20 spaces (for counting higher). Another way to accommodate different skill levels is to use teacher-made dice. If I have a child who can count up to 3, I give that child a die with numerals 0-4 on it, so that they can be more successful than they would with a 1-6 die, yet also can practice counting higher than 3.

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Crown Grid Game

This grid game uses plastic jewels which can be found in a variety bag at craft stores.

Grid Games
10 spaces
Grid Games
20 spaces
Plastic Jewels

Beach Grid Game

This grid game uses mini seashells which can be purchased in a bag at craft stores, or collect your own on the beach.

Grid Games
10 spaces
Grid Games
20 spaces
Mini Seashells

Umbrella Grid Game

This grid game uses clear flat floral marbles which can be found in craft stores. The clear glass represents rain drops.

Grid Games
10 spaces
Grid Games
20 spaces
Clear Flat Floral Marbles

Squirrel Grid Game

This grid game uses acorns collected from the school yard, or any kind of tree nut that squirrels might eat.

Grid Games
10 spaces
Grid Games
20 spaces
Tree Nuts

Piggy Bank Grid Game

This grid game uses pennies (real or play money).

Grid Games
10 spaces
Grid Games
20 spaces

Chicken Grid Game

This grid game uses corn seed which can be found at hardware or gardening stores. Another option is to use popcorn seeds.

Grid Games
10 spaces
Grid Games
20 spaces
Corn Seeds

Clothesline Grid Game

This grid game uses mini wooden clothespins which can be found in any craft store.

Grid Games
10 spaces
Grid Games
20 spaces
Mini Clothespins

Snowman Grid Game

This grid game uses white craft pom poms which can be found in craft stores. The white pom poms represent snowballs.

Grid Games
10 spaces
Grid Games
20 spaces
White Pom Poms

Penguin Grid Game

This grid game also uses white craft pom poms which can be found in craft stores. The white pom poms represent snowballs.

Grid Games
10 spaces
Grid Games
20 spaces
White Pom Poms

Flower Grid Game

This grid game uses small ribbon roses which can be found in any craft store. They come in a small bag, and are usually with bridal items. Children place the flowers on the stems.

Grid Games
10 spaces
Grid Games
20 spaces
Ribbon Flowers

Bug Grid Game

This grid game uses any kind of plastic bugs. Mine are from Big Lots. Plastic bugs can usually be found in any dollar store. Children place the bugs on the leaves.

Grid Games
10 spaces
Grid Games
20 spaces
Plastic Bugs

Frog Grid Game

This grid game uses plastic frogs. Mine are from Big Lots. Plastic frogs can usually be found in dollar stores. You can also find the Safari Brand “Toobs” with small frogs from toy stores and hobby stores.

Grid Games
10 spaces
Grid Games
20 spaces
Plastic Frogs

Baby Grid Game

This grid game uses mini plastic baby toys found in any craft or hobby store. These are found with baby shower party favors. You can also make your own Baby Grid Game using baby photos of the students (see the Blank Grid Game below).

Grid Games
10 spaces
Grid Games
20 spaces
Mini Baby Toys

Wheels Grid Game

This grid game uses wagon wheel pasta found in grocery stores. I spray painted the wagon wheels black. You can use any brand, but I used Barilla Piccolini Mini Wheels and they seem to be very durable.

Grid Games
10 spaces
Grid Games
20 spaces
Pasta Wheels

Tool Grid Game

This grid game uses metal nuts which can be found in any hardware store.

Grid Games
10 spaces
Grid Games
20 spaces
Metal Nuts

Make Your Own Grid Game

Use this Word Document to make your own grid games. Place the cursor in one of the squares and insert your clipart or picture. You can use colored flat floral marbles, craft foam shapes, craft wooden shapes, or many other things for the counters.

Grid Games
Blank Grid Game 10 Spaces
Grid Games
Blank Grid Game 20 Spaces

Need more grid games? Click the link for more.

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