Here is the next set of Assessment Awards. This set includes assessment awards for recognition of Shapes, Numerals, and Colors. Of course, Colors is not actually a Math skill, but I wanted to go ahead and include it here as I knew many teachers will be assessing colors.
I previously posted Alphabet Assessment Awards and Literacy Assessment Awards. These mini awards can be used to assess what your students know, then send them home for parent communication. (These are not intended to be worksheets: you use them as you work with the child, or observe them through play. Then send these home for communication with parents.)

Shapes Assessment
Show children each shape and ask them to name the shape. To mark the shapes children know, you can either circle them, check them, or draw a smiley face on the shapes. I have included two different awards: one includes the hexagon and the other includes the octagon. You can choose the one you prefer. Both awards include other basic shapes, such as circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, and rhombus (diamond).

Colors Assessment
I have included awards in color and also in blackline, so teachers can choose the one they prefer. If you print the award in color for each child, you can point to the color and circle the colors they know. If you are not able to use a lot of colored ink, here are two ideas. Print one award in color and laminate it. Copy the children’s awards in blackline. Show them the one in color, but mark on the blackline one. Or, staple together pieces of colored construction paper to show them.

Numerals Assessment
This one is for numeral recognition (not counting). Point to each numeral and ask children to name it. Either circle the numbers they know, or highlight them with a highlighter.

Find more assessment ideas on my Assessment page.
I plan to create more of these mini assessment awards. If there are any you would especially like to see, just let me know!
Graphics for the above printables provided by: My Clipart Store & Dancing Crayon Designs