These Spots on the Puppy Math Mats can be used to teach counting during a Pets Theme.

How to Prepare the Puppy Counting Mats
Print out the set of mats and either laminate or slip into clear page protectors. If using page protectors, these can be hooked together using a binding ring, so children can flip through the pages as they count. You will need pom poms for the “spots”.
As an alternate idea, you can have children roll balls of play dough for the spots, or have children draw spots with a dry erase marker.

How to use the Puppy Counting Mats
Have children look at the doghouse and identify the numeral. If there is a number 8 in on the mat, children will count out 8 “spots” to place on the puppy dog.

This set includes mats 1-10. There is an additional mat with an empty box and the words “Put spots on the puppy”. Use this mat to write in additional numbers or place a number card in the box for children to count. For example, if you want to work with numbers 11-20, you can use this extra mat.

Fine Motor Tools
To add fine motor development to this activity, have children move the puppy’s “spots” (the pom poms) using fine motor tools, such as tweezers or melon scoops.

Download the Puppy Counting Mats
Note: This is a free printable. Just click to download.
Originally published October 2010. Updated September 2021.