Children love “I Have, Who Has” card games, and you can find many of them online to teach a variety of skills. You can find my “I Have, Who Has” games for Numbers and Shapes at these links.
Before I play skill based “I Have, Who Has” games, we play a “fun” version first so that children can learn how to play the game and they can see right away how fun it is to play.
Here’s a Wildlife version of “I Have, Who Has” that children can play for fun before you start playing to learn skills. Then when it’s time to learn numbers or shapes or letters, they will think it’s just a game.
I play this game with the class at large group and small group. Once the children understand how to play, I’ll add the cards to a center so children can play on their own. You can even use it as a transition activity by having the kids line up as soon as they have “read” their card and put it in the basket.
At the beginning of the year, you might also want to play this game with photos of children’s faces to help them learn their classmates’ names.
“I Have, Who Has” Game Directions
To play, deal out all of the cards to all players in the group. If you play this game at small group, each child will have a set of cards, but if you play it at large group or as a transition activity, only give each child one card. At small group, have the children lay out all of their cards on the table so they can see them. The first player chooses any card and reads it. For example, “I have an alligator. Who has an elephant?” That child places that card in the basket, and everyone looks at their cards to see if they have an elephant. The person who does then says, “I have an elephant. Who has a giraffe?” That child places that card in the basket, and so on. Play continues until all of the cards are in the basket. It shouldn’t matter which card you begin the game with– just make sure all of the cards are used even if you, the teacher, has a few.
Download Wildlife “I Have, Who Has” Game
Wildlife “I Have, Who Has” Game Printable
Note: This printable is FREE. Just click to download!